Wow, why not parade a CNN story and something Al bGore/b said to support your argument as well. Did you just finish your Psychology 101 where you learned about projection? You must have gotten an A. Do you have a point or are you simply just trying b...../b I think that if the Democrats want to reclaim the Hose this year, which is a distinct possibility, they should focus on a few tax increases (repeal the bestate/b tax repeal, etc), instead of a wholesale attack on all tax cuts. ...
Tam v Stopi pa na levo gor zavije, Postala všeč je Glinji vožnja ta, Med hostami se Voduc tja prebije Terenc njegov, do Svet?ga Janeza. Pod njim pa tam grobišče spet je eno, Parkira tam in jo povabi tja, ...